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To My Friends and Fellow Students of the Urantia Book
One Friend
Words by Paramahansa Yogananda
Music by Jerry Gerber
Many clouds do race to hide Thee –
Of friends and wealth and fame –
And yet through mist of tears I see
Appear Thy Golden Name.
Each time my father, mother, friends
Do loudly claim they did me tend,
I wake from sleep to sweetly hear
That Thou alone didst help me here.
Technical Information:
This piece was composed and sequenced into a computer (A DAW, or digital audio workstation)
and the choir is from a "sample library", which is essentially many thousands of recordings
of professional singers singing various syllables, vowels, consonances, siblances and plosives.
The composer chooses which samples will sing which words by typing text into a "word builder", which uses its own
programming language to arrive at a reasonably close approximation of how human singers
would pronounce the words. As you probably are aware, when a live choir is singing in a reverberant hall or church,
it's often difficult to understand the text unless program notes with the printed words are available.
In some ways, this recording is not much different,
which is why I included the words above.
Copyright 2021 Jerry Gerber
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